July 12, 2016
It’s hard not to love something this beautiful:

The Last Laugh
She’s been saying for ages that the photographs of the structure don’t look right, and that there are integrity issues. But did they listen to her? (you know the answer to this, right?)
So she’s flying in to do an in-person inspection, and recommend what needs to be done in order to make the entire rig safe for workers.
They won’t be thrilled to see her, but she will only need to be there a couple of hours…
There are some amazing restaurants on the mainland, and she’s flying a really LONG way. So she plans to stay for at least 3 days. Nobody’s going to question her, after all.
Not only does she find the structural weaknesses, but SHE’S also the person who will do the welding repairs. It’s hard to argue with a woman carrying an acetylene torch…
I love how all the women in your stories are so Hard Core! Just brilliant :)
Fierce! Love the contrast of the tough heroine with the soft colors. Though the clothes are no-nonsense. Pretty, but not fussy.
And I love that you incorporated Monet, just visited the garden in Giverny a month ago, still stunning. Love your work so enormously inspiring!
I hope she has some "field clothes" to wear while she's doing the welding! Would be a shame to have those pretty things get soot/grease/whatever all over them! (Says the field ecologist ;-)
– Kaci
She has an industrial jumpsuit… It's all imaginary, so we can make it work so that's best for her, right?
As the mum of a welder I can vouch for them being a scruffy lot. Its perfectly normal for them to attend interviews in work gear as they have to do a weld test and solder is messy. I love this capsule, so elegant and 'unwelder' like.
As the mum of a welder I can vouch for them being a scruffy lot. Its perfectly normal for them to attend interviews in work gear as they have to do a weld test and solder is messy. I love this capsule, so elegant and 'unwelder' like.
I assume she has a welding outfit too, ha ha! What lovely colors. They would not suit me at all but it's inspirational. What is that weird scarf thing? Is it a normal scarf just tied in a way I've never seen before, or some kind of scarf-dicky contraption? Lovely colors but… strange and impractical. Especially if one is welding :-)
I was assuming a welding costume of some ilk – I'm not sure what one would wear while welding? And it's really just a regular scarf, photographed in some stupid way to make it hard to see. Why can we not just get plain, straightforward, simple photographs of clothing and accessories? My work day would be cut by hours, sometimes, if that were uniformly the standard.
Agree with the lack of simple photos. I create my own digital lookbook when trying to imagine a new capsule wardrobe for the season and the outfits that can be made from it. It is so hard when most of the images have models :(
And would it kill them to put basic garment measurements in the item descriptions? Being petite, I NEED to know how long a top is. It's either endless calls to customer service or many trips to make returns. What a waste of time and resources!
I love this heroine! Tough but feminine! Perfect! Monet, so wonderful at capturing the light! Some beautiful pieces in this wardrobe.
I do love the wardrobe, but even assuming a jumpsuit for welding, I wouldn't want to do an engineering site visit in light colors. I can barely drive to work and drink coffee in light colors :-) Just asking for trouble in my life :-) I hate to critique, because I love the backgrounds you give your wardrobes, but the disconnect is so strong for me on this one….
The painting and the clothing colours are gorgeous. Thank-you.
This is all just so pretty, but not frilly. A lovely riff on Monet's painting. And a perfect counterpoint for your tough-as-nails heroine! – nancyo
and p.s. the link for the Mangrove scarf is not working.
Lovely wardrobe, soft pretty colours and fabrics but also practical for travel and different activities. And we can just imagine there's some Rosie the Riveter gear in there somewhere. Like Skaapie and Taste of France, I really enjoy your heroines Janice – I just wish we had more fiction featuring women like these …
Robyn in Tasmania
The clothing is delicious, the story is brilliant! Thanks.
I'm so glad you did this painting! It's my favorite Monet. I just did a seasonal color analysis and I got soft summer. I was thinking all the recommended colors look like the Seine at Giverny painting.
If one is welding or doing structural industrial inspections or other heavy rig work, it would require very specific clothing that meets OSHA and other safety standards for that industry. For welding, the clothes must be fireproof or fire resistant, and have no protruding features like cords, ties, or pockets that could drop or snag and catch fire from the torch. Protective work boots would be a requirement as well, possibly requiring steel toes, waterproofing and/or electrical hazard protection. A hard hat, sturdy outdoor clothing, and work gloves would be required as well. Please check out Carhardt industrial clothing, Deluth, and other industrial clothing suppliers. I’d like to see you do an update to this post, including the industrial clothing required. I think you could incorporate some of the industrial clothing into this color scheme, mainly the soft tans and blues, perhaps with browns. The color choices in industrial clothing is very limited, but I am sure you could educate yourself on this type of clothing and come up with something practical, pretty, and functional.