If your email is anything like mine, you get dozens of emails every day from everybody from whom you’ve EVER made an internet purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that; they’re in the business of selling things…
But it is NOT your responsibility to keep anybody in business – except yourself. Just because you once made a purchase from someone does NOT mean that you have to be kept abreast of every thing that they put on sale, or that enters their inventory.
If you’re afraid that you’ll forget about a really great website, bookmark it. And then get yourself OFF of all of these mailing lists. Five minutes before the email arrived, you didn’t think that you needed a new sweater. Someone puts them on sale, and sends you an email… you STILL don’t need a new sweater. What they do does not change what you know to be true.
Good advise, and I solved this by putting them all into my spam folder, retrieving them only when I decide to purchase something. This way I never find out about the great sale I am a bout to miss…
Excellent! :-)
Noteworthy post! Thanks.
I unsubscribe or just delete. Actually I hate it when stores email me. I'll make the decision where and when I shop thank you very much!!!
This was one of my goals for the new year. I spent over an hour unsubscribing to so many stores. I am glad am not the only one who thinks this way.
I set up a separate email account just used for online purchases. I only check that account when I'm expecting a shipment to get the tracking info. Otherwise I don't even look at it.
I do something similar. I have an Outlook account for all online mailing lists of stores where I DO make the odd purchase. In my mailbox there's a setting that makes it automatically delete all but the most recent email from each sender. Thus, if I (not they) decide I need to purchase an item, I can go to my mailbox and take advantage of their current special – or wait a week or two for their next 30% off or free shipping special. It works for me. I never read them until I need to order.
I have limited myself in other ways. I have decided only to buy from three stores–Nordstrom, Garnet Hill, LL Bean. OOPS four–Chicos for pants. Plus my beloved thrift stores. I do all the shopping for myself, my husband–most for my son and a little for my daughter.
I actually like looking at online offers and catalogs. I find that looking is satisfying. After a few looks, I discover I don't need to buy.
Thrifts are a different story. I tend to overbuy.
I unsubscribed to all of the store emails after one of your posts late last year. I kept LL Bean and Lands End since I use them for basic tees and such. If I know I need something specific, I will look at the email otherwise, I just delete them without even opening the email. So far this has been working but if it stops, I will delete them too.
Wise words. Can you or your readers make suggestions for how to determine an annual clothing budget? Is there a website that provides a formula?
This is a great tip and one I routinely do myself. Another tip I like and recently wrote about on my blog is not to shop for out of season clothes. If I cannot purchase it and wear it right away, I don't buy it. This is currently keeping me from "stocking up" on spring clothes when I still have 3 months of winter to dress for!
Oh how true. My goal this year is to do my best to be focused on what I actually need. Your blog is a great inspiration. Thank you!
Inspired by your blog, and also Project 333, I am trying to cut down on clothes in 2013 and at the same time build up a more versatile, chic, good quality wardrobe. If I am tempted to buy something it must work with my wardrobe – and I will have to discard an older item. I have got a print-out of my 33 items for autumn/winter, and I have noticed that some clothes are more versatile than others, so those will be the ones I will keep, plus it will let me see if a possible purchase will work with my other clothes. I am also going to unsubscribe to avoid temptation! It's not just emails – adverts keep popping up on my screen when I visit certain websites!
I agree! When I order from a new-to-me place, I always get emails from them – almost immediately – informing me of sales and such. I have trained myself to unsubscribe right away. I do like to get emails about sales from retailers I shop from – like J. Crew, Gap and Nordstrom. I usually will only buy from those three sites when I have a coupon code or during a sale.
I did it, unsubscribed today from all of them. baby steps ;)
I have been on an unsubscribing field day over here. Minimizes emails and prevents temptation!
I recently started making use of time spent in line, on public transit, etc., hitting those "unsubscribe me" buttons on all of the email I get from various sellers. I have a commerce only email I use just for online shopping and I had neglected doing this for years. But I do want to see certain emails, like "your item has been backordered" and those sometimes got lost in the detritus. So the unsubscribe thing – not 100% successful, but for those merchants who can't be bothered to honor my request, that's what the "mark as spam" button is for, and I won't shop there any longer.
What a great post for today! I keep a separate email for anything NOT work, family, friends (think online shopping…) and I get, no kidding, probably 50 emails a day, not including spam, in that account!!! Point, click and delete!
I am also going on a shopping moratorium for 2013 – with your help I have refined my wardrobe and I think I am good to go!! And if I do buy something I know my guidelines. Actually passed on a sweater at a great price the other day because it did not fit in with my new style sensibilities. I love to accessorize, so a core wardrobe is just perfect for me! Many thanks for all your fabulous wardrobe and outfit ideas!!
Such great advice! I did that a year ago and it's time again. I have pages upon pages of nothingness.
I use my personal email address for communicating with people I know and for managing financial issues, like insurance. I have a 'junk' email address for everything else.
I've also been logging on to Catalog Choice every time a catalog arrives to register to get off the mailing list. No exceptions. All of them going, going gone!
I hardly shop online, so I don't get many of these. These I like to keep because their clothes fit immediately and they have excellent service. But we do get a lot of paper advertisements in the post here – and they go into the trash immediately. :-) Have a very HAPPY day :-)
I have a dedicated mailbox for all those websites where you need an email address to subscribe (stores or forums).
I receive 150 emails/day!!
Once in a while, I purge that mailbox. Otherwise, I use it only when I'm about to shop and want to see if I have a gift coupon.
I just did this! My inbox looks so clean… And thank goodness for less temptations. My new year's resolution will be to not go window shopping/ go to malls unnecessarily!